LILLI || Rain, sunshine, thunder, sunshine, hails. Lately the weather has been totally indecisive here in Nottingham and during one day y...

LILLI || Rain, sunshine, thunder, sunshine, hails. Lately the weather has been totally indecisive here in Nottingham and during one day you can experience all the seasons of the year. Today was exactly the same yet again and so my friend and I had to occasionally rush into a shop to hide from the most random hailstorms. As I kept checking the sky for clues as to what it will offer us next I realised one thing; Nottingham has some very pretty buildings! It is so easy to get caught in your mundane life staring plainly at the grey streets in front of you, but if you just lift your sight a bit higher, you can spot so many more interesting things and often the city looks nicer a little up higher! So every now and then you should just look up!

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